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Stitch Count Estimator
The following chart helps you to understand the Stitches in your embroidered artwork.

1 Square Inch:2,000 STS

1 Linear Inch Satin:200 STS

1 Linear Inch ½" Lettering:500 STS

Average Logo:2500 STS per Square Inch
Tips & Considerations to Estimate Logo Embroidery
It is an easy way to estimate the amount of stitches you'll need for great looking logos.
- Print out the grid below
- Cut out your artwork and place it over the grid
- Count the number of boxes it fills, then find that number in the chart
- If your design goes outside the grid, estimate the extra grid space you need and add it to your original total.
Other Points to Remember when Estimating a Stitch Count:
- 1 solid square inch of embroidery equals approximately 2,000 stitches.
- 1 solid square 1/4 inch of embroidery will equal about 125 stitches.
- No letter should be smaller than 3/16" each letter 1/4" in height equals about 100 stitches.
- Drop shadows in your logo will translate to 200 extra stitches per inch.
- Straight lines under logos typically require 200 extra stitches per inch.
- Fabrics, colors, and artwork detail will affect the amount of stitches.

Note:Due to difference in computers and printers, the size of the grid may be distorted when you print it out. Be sure to check that 1-inch squares actually measure 1 inch on your printout (do the same for 1/4-inch squares). If such a size distortion occurs, you can scale your printout of the grid to a more accurate size using a photocopier.